It’s not an exaggeration to say seaweed is the ocean’s superfood or super vegetable because it provides so many health benefits from vitamins and key minerals to pain relief.

Seaweed Delivers Vitamin A, C, and D

Vitamins A, C, and D boost critical restorative and immune system functions in the body.

  • Vitamin A is a major antioxidant used by the lungs to prevent tissue degeneration when it exhales carbon dioxide and other toxins from the body. It also prevents macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss among people over age 60. A lack of Vitamin A can also allow nyctalopia, night blindness, to develop.
  • Vitamin C is well-known for its ability to prevent head colds and reduce their duration. Its antioxidant qualities help with cleaning and renewing or regenerating damaged cells. As a result, it’s used topically and orally to speed up wound repair and reduce inflammation.
  • Vitamin D, known as the sunshine vitamin and bone builder, can also prevent diseases and health problems that include both types of diabetes, hypertension, glucose intolerance, and possibly multiple sclerosis. Low levels of Vitamin D can trigger asthma, cognitive problems in older adults, obesity, and possibly allow cancerous cells to form.

Seaweed Has Ten Times More Calcium Than Milk!

Most people turn to milk or dairy products to get their calcium, but did you know that seaweed has ten times more calcium than milk? Plus, it won’t trigger lactose intolerance issues.

The calcium content in seaweed makes it a popular item in the diets of people with osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. (Osteoarthritis affects joints, while osteoporosis makes bones more fragile and susceptible to fracture. Some people have both conditions.)

Nori, Irish moss, knotted wrack, and laver are the types of seaweed with the highest concentration of calcium.

Seaweed Can Help Purify the Blood

The chemical composition of seaweed is surprisingly similar to that of our own blood plasma, making it a good ingredient to boost the blood purifying work, done by the liver and kidneys. Wakame seaweed has long been used as a blood purifier in Eastern medicine. Add it to vegetables and soups, or as a garnish on fish — another food that helps cleanse the bloodstream.Other foods that help these vital organs include cruciferous vegetables, fish, blueberries and cranberries, apples, and grapefruit. Season your dishes (especially fish) with garlic, ginger, and parsley. Green tea and teas made with hibiscus or dandelion also help filter toxins from the blood and body.

Seaweed is a Natural Antibiotic, Antiviral, and Antimicrobial

Studies on seaweed have found it contains many compounds that offer protection from environmental stresses. Spanish researchers who conducted a review of past studies into the health benefits of seaweed also noted its effectiveness as an antiprotozoal and antifungal. These qualities come from the major substances found in seaweed: polysaccharides, fatty acids, phlorotannins, pigments, lectins, alkaloids, terpenoids, and carotenoids.

In addition, the researchers found that 70% of algae studied has been found to have antibacterial strengths and 27% showed antifungal powers. Seaweed is an effective treatment for a variety of problems including acne; periodontitis, a painful inflammation of the gums; and several strains of herpes viruses. It’s been effectively blended into wound dressings to help stabilize antimicrobial treatments.

Most intriguing are findings that some macroalgae have lectins, polysaccharides, and tannins that show anti-HIV 1 activity.

Seaweed has High Chelating (Binding) Properties

Chelation (binding) therapy is used to remove heavy metals, pollutants, and radiation by-products from the body. It is done intravenously or orally with a pill. It is approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat metal poisoning and has shown some promise in preventing heart attack and stroke in people with diabetes.

The alginates (natural polysaccharides) in seaweed make it an excellent ingredient for chelation therapy. They bind to toxins and convert them to salts for the body to eliminate through urine.

It’s not uncommon for patients to lose calcium after chelation therapy. They can avoid this by ingesting a small amount of seaweed, which is rich in calcium and copper, a trace element that can also be lost during the chelation process.

Best of All… Seaweed Can Ease That Headache!

The magnesium content in seaweed such as Nori relaxes the small arterial and skeletal muscles in the head and neck. This is why it’s sometimes called the “relaxation mineral. It’s been shown to ease tension headaches and even migraine and cluster headaches.

Magnesium can often halt the aura (visual disturbances) some migraine sufferers experience. The aura is probably why so many migraine sufferers experience nausea and vomiting.

Actually, magnesium can relieve pain and stiffness just about anywhere in the body. It’s found in our tissues and especially in the bones, muscles, and brain, so it’s no surprise to learn that a magnesium deficiency can trigger all kinds of headaches.

Our Sea Veg® whole food seaweed supplements are specially created using only the finest quality, organic ingredients. Discover many life-changing benefits of premium Sea Veg® seaweed products. If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to us, and a member of our team will answer all your questions and thoroughly explain the many benefits of our products.

We care about your health.